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Staying active at life: Lutheran Sunset Ministries in Clifton keeps residents engaged | Waco Today

Written by Alex Lucas | June 28, 2018

Waco Today
by Larry Breen

Although many people think they come to nursing homes to die, Clifton’s Lutheran Sunset Ministries believes they come to live.

“Yes, some new residents are in bad shape, but many aren’t, and even though some are in wheelchairs, they still have minds that can contribute,” says CEO and Clifton native Rodney Rueter. “It’s up to us to give them opportunities to contribute because we strive to help our residents age successfully socially, intellectually, physically and spiritually.”

Now in its 64th year, LSM offers a variety of activities ranging from Friday-night movies, genealogy and computer classes with local high school students helping with smartphones and other technology, to bingo, flower arranging and many other programs for the 55-and-over crowd.

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