Senior living blog | LifeLoop

Senior living trends: insights from summer events and conferences | LifeLoop

Written by Mia Ballan | September 12, 2024

The senior living industry continues to evolve rapidly. Changing resident demographics, an increasingly competitive market, and constant technological advancements mean operators need to stay agile in order to meet resident– and shareholder– expectations.

One of the best ways to stay ahead of senior living trends is to attend industry conferences and tradeshows. These events provide valuable opportunities to build and strengthen relationships, connect with industry thought leaders, and foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing to help operators drive innovation within their communities.

Our LifeLoop team members have attended and contributed to several recent industry events, including InterFace Seniors Housing Southeast, LeadingAge Southeast, and HealthTAC West. At each event we gained insights on top trends, challenges, and opportunities facing the senior living industry. Here, we explore the top event takeaways and insights on how operators can stay ahead in an increasingly competitive and complex landscape. 

Staffing challenges and solutions

Staff shortages have been an ongoing issue for the senior living industry, and both InterFace and HealthTAC West addressed this challenge through expert-led panels. The discussions provided both a realistic overview of the current challenges and actionable solutions that senior living operators can adopt to attract, retain, and empower their workforce.

One key strategy emphasized by senior living leaders during InterFace Seniors Housing Southeast is the importance of investing in leadership development. Strong, empathetic leaders who foster open communication and offer personalized support are more likely to inspire loyalty and reduce turnover. Ensuring that supervisors are well-equipped to lead effectively can create a positive ripple effect throughout the workforce, as employees are more likely to stay with companies that demonstrate a commitment to their personal and professional growth.

The two-part HealthTac Staffing Challenges panel also featured key staff retention strategies from senior living leaders. Panelists emphasized that while offering competitive wages is essential, creating a positive work environment through strong leadership and fostering a sense of purpose can make a significant difference. Organizations should prioritize transparency, open communication, and flexibility, including offering benefits like flexible scheduling and childcare support. Additionally, showing appreciation for staff through personal gestures rather than transactional rewards and creating growth opportunities within the organization encourages long-term commitment and job satisfaction.

In both sessions, the emphasis was on adopting a more flexible, empathetic approach to staffing. Operators who invest in their workforce will be better positioned to navigate labor shortages while maintaining high-quality care.

Tech-driven engagement

Enhancing resident engagement, particularly for those with dementia, was another major focus at the conferences. One of the top takeaways from the "Elevating Dementia Care Through Technology" session at LeadingAge Southeast, presented by LifeLoop’s Principal Researcher Lydia Nguyen and Presbyterian CareNetwork’s Executive Director Carrie Chiusano, was the importance of using evidence-based technologies to address the needs of residents across the spectrum of cognitive ability. Research has shown that various technologies can positively impact key factors such as mood, loneliness, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and physical health, including balance and gait. For senior living operators, incorporating these tools can lead to more personalized and effective care, ultimately increasing resident engagement and satisfaction.

In addition to highlighting the benefits of technology, the session also emphasized the practicalities of implementation. Chiusano shared findings from a research project conducted with Penn State on the use of LifeLoop’s iN2L content to increase engagement during rehab for residents with dementia. This initiative demonstrated how tailored technology could facilitate cognitive and physical engagement in a rehabilitation setting.

For operators, this underscores the value of selecting technologies that are adaptable to different care settings and stages of cognitive decline, ensuring that they address both therapeutic and recreational needs.

Leveraging tech to drive operational efficiency

In addition to the potential for technology to enhance resident engagement, several panels highlighted opportunities to leverage technology to drive operational efficiency. During the "Technology Revolution" panel at InterFace, our CTO, Dylan Conley, outlined how technology can solve key operational challenges and enhance resident care in senior living communities.

One of the panel topics was advice for operators on choosing a tech partner. Conley underscored the importance of viewing tech providers not as transactional vendors but as strategic partners invested in the long-term success of the community. He emphasized that technology is only one component of the solution; ensuring seamless implementation and ongoing support is critical for long-term ROI and business outcomes.

The panelists also discussed AI, and its potential for revolutionizing senior living operations. Conley pointed out that while only 9% of operators currently use AI, 34% plan to adopt it in the future. AI can help with tasks like programming and activity planning, allowing operators to create a more personalized and efficient care environment.

Senior living trends in 2024 and beyond

The insights shared at these recent industry conferences highlight how senior living operators can stay competitive by investing strategically in staff retention initiatives, evidence-based engagement, and AI-powered technology solutions.  

The emphasis on personalized, tech-driven solutions underscores the industry's need to balance innovation with practical implementation. Senior living operators who prioritize a thoughtful approach to technology—viewing tech providers as strategic partners and ensuring seamless integration—will be better positioned to meet the evolving needs of their communities. As the industry continues to evolve, staying agile and adopting forward-thinking solutions will be key to driving both business success and exceptional resident care.

Want more insights into the future of senior living? Get on the waitlist to access our new guide, Future-proofing senior living communities, for advice from top senior living leaders on how to innovate to drive better resident experiences and business outcomes.