Senior living resources | LifeLoop

Flourishing Communities: Astral at Auburn

Written by LifeLoop | Jul 10, 2024 7:27:55 PM

In this on-demand webinar featuring Astral at Auburn, our panelists discuss using LifeLoop to enhance resident engagement, provide transparency, and ensure that families feel actively involved in their loved one's daily life. Watch now to learn how they're transforming communication dynamics in their community!

ROI highlights:

  • 75% improvement in communication between residents and families since implementing LifeLoop

  • 50% of staff feel their overall job is easier, better, or more satisfying since implementing LifeLoop

  • Constance Brasher, Corporate Director of Life Enrichment and Memory Support, Franciscan Ministries
  • Grace Faurote, Executive Director, Astral at Auburn
  • Paige Mantel, Chief Marketing Officer, LifeLoop