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LeadingAge California iNSPIRE Project Brings Joy to Residents

In April 2020, LeadingAge California launched the Integrate fuN, Sustainable, Programming that is Innovative, Rewarding and Enriches (iNSPIRE) Project. Funded through a CMP grant awarded by the California Department of Public Health, the iNSPIRE Project provides nursing homes with iN2L engagement technology, which offers thousands of computer-based experiences aimed at improving quality of life, reducing psychotropic drug use, providing stress relief, and much more.

Open to LeadingAge California members and non-members, applicants poured in and 60 nursing homes were selected to participate in the project. Each nursing home received equipment, an iN2L software subscription, and on-line training and support for staff. Residents began to explore and enjoy the expansive library of iN2L content.

Read the full article from LeadingAge California.

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