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LifeLoop acquires Linked Senior, advancing innovation for the senior living resident experience of tomorrow

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Next-generation senior living, powered by technology

Through the pandemic, many shops hung signs in their windows that read “Stronger, Together” or “Together, we will see this through.”

This simple, yet powerful, message resonates long after lockdown. It is the conviction that when we come together as a community, we will be able to weather any storm. It is a message that senior living organizations truly took to heart over the past 18 months.

Today, we know that resilience is a primary factor for long-term wellness and longevity. This key trait is one that we saw rise to the top in many of our senior living communities, as operators, staff, families and residents created their own pandemic “silver linings.” In myriad creative ways, they harnessed technology to address the multi-pronged challenges that COVID-19 posed: remaining connected, staying stimulated, ensuring safety and supporting staff. Their resiliency, reflected in these adaptations, resulted in innovations that are actively shaping the future of resident living, today.

Read the full article from McKnight's Senior Living.

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