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What's new: product innovation at LifeLoop

Welcome to our Product Innovation series, where we explore how LifeLoop continues to evolve as a comprehensive technology solution to better serve senior living communities. With our new capabilities and product enhancements, our commitment to help communities flourish remains unwavering. Read on to hear from our CTO, Dylan Conley, on our most recent product innovations. 


At LifeLoop, we don’t settle for “good enough”. We take pride in our team’s dedication toward consistent improvement, collecting feedback from customers and collaborating with industry leaders to address senior living’s most pressing needs through our innovative resident experience platform. 

In this edition of our Product Innovation series, we rounded up a whole host of new capabilities and product enhancements that we have delivered in the past few months, all of which were purpose-built to help senior living communities engage residents, enable staff, and connect family members. Here’s a look into what’s new across analytics, operations, and engagement.  

Data and analytics

Enhanced insights into community performance 

In March we introduced our new product, LifeLoop Insights, which is an advanced data and analytics solution. With an expansive view of metrics into key categories like activity programming, operations, and engagement content, LifeLoop Insights enables community operators and executives to effectively analyze and optimize community performance. 

Insights dashboard on laptop

LifeLoop Insights is specifically designed to support the unique needs and business objectives of senior living by giving operators insight into leading indicators like activity attendance, content usage, and messages sent. By tracking metrics that indicate future performance, operators can proactively address performance dips before they affect lagging indicators like occupancy rates and staff retention.  

One of the unique aspects of LifeLoop Insights that truly sets it apart from other analytics solutions is our Community Engagement Index (CEI). Powered by our proprietary algorithm that is based on the largest engagement and operations dataset in senior living – more than half a million seniors across the nation – the CEI provides a holistic view into your community’s operations.  

Insights map on laptop

By benchmarking engagement, connection, and operations metrics, the CEI identifies opportunities for growth within a community while also pinpointing areas that require intervention.  

Through automated recommendations, LifeLoop Insights also provides operators the ability to easily apply industry best practices. Constance Brasher, Corporate Director of Life Enrichment and Memory Care at Franciscan Ministries, shared her experience with the recommendations feature:  

“Having automated recommendations that you are able to extrapolate from the information that you gather from each community and each care level is really useful. Then the fact that it also addresses not just resident participation, but also staff usage or associate usage, and family usage. I mean, it really gets to the nitty gritty to really feel like everything you're doing matters. You're actually seeing this come out in data that can really help strive for best practices and what we're providing.” 

Why is data so powerful? To put it simply: what gets measured gets managed. LifeLoop Insights puts the power of data and analytics into operators’ hands, giving them a centralized place to track and measure critical metrics to drive community performance forward. As a result, Insights helps communities optimize their business performance and facilitates the use of best practices to improve engagement and operations across the board. 


Building community at mealtimes 

For many residents, mealtimes are one of the most important parts of daily life in senior living communities; not only for physical nourishment, but also because they afford the opportunity for connection.  

We created LifeLoop Menus with the aim of fostering shared meals at senior living communities. With Menus, communities can now easily create and share daily and weekly menus and broadcast them on digital signage throughout the community, keeping residents in the know about their dining options and helping to promote participation. 

Menus also allows operators to take attendance at mealtime, enabling them to track resident involvement and meal preferences. And as we all know, food brings families together. Because Menus are visible in the LifeLoop Connection Portal, residents can now encourage their loved ones to attend meals, further involving families in daily community life.  



Expanded resident access to engagement content 

Personalized, clinically-backed content is proven to be one of the most powerful ways to engage senior living residents. By putting thousands of content items at the fingertips of activity professionals, LifeLoop helps save staff hours of activity planning and scheduling time that can be reallocated towards engaging directly with residents. 

Now, we’ve given residents access to the same engagement content that was previously only available to staff. With a selection of over 6,700 content items, residents can easily and quickly dive into various activities, including music, fitness, games, videos, travel, and more. This wide array of options ensures there's something for everyone, catering to diverse interests and preferences. 

Residents can now access the newly centralized engagement content on any device, giving them the autonomy to explore and engage with what interests them the most.  

By offering residents popular engagement services such as Coro Health for music and Spiro for fitness, communities can also save on membership fees. We initiated our resident content expansion to help communities give their residents greater access to high-quality content, while staying mindful of their budgets and business goals. 

App Content- Spotlight on iPad

Increased ease of use and faster performance 

Our goal at LifeLoop is to improve the lives of seniors and those who serve them. One of the ways we do this is to make senior living staffs’ lives easier, through convenient and intuitive solutions.  

We’ve implemented platform performance improvements, including faster searching and simplified workflows. Our search sorting feature now shows the top results first, making it easier for staff to find content they’re looking for. We also removed the idle popup, so now staff and residents can enjoy iN2L content uninterrupted.  

We’ve also simplified the staff login process, removing extra steps to make access to our platform quicker. 

Senior living is a demanding industry, and staff can use all the help they can get. By helping to streamline workflows and make it easy to access what they need, our goal is to help staff feel less stressed in their roles so they can conserve energy for interacting with and making an impact on residents. 

Simplified access to content in calendars 

Accessing engagement content within our calendar has become easier as staff can now link content items directly onto a Calendar activity. Instead of having to search or browse through the Content module when running an activity, they can simply remain in the Calendar application and click on the content item to open it directly.  

With the ability to plan and schedule activities in one place, your staff’s life is made a little bit simpler and a whole lot easier.  

Innovating to improve senior lives

Technology moves quickly, and it is a constant challenge to keep up. At LifeLoop, we  strive to anticipate industry needs so we can proactively create solutions that help senior living communities flourish. 

For us, innovation is not only about solving the challenges you face today, it is about solving the challenges you will face in the future.  

Every change and enhancement we make to our comprehensive experience platform bears in mind exactly what senior living operators, residents, staff, and families need. We’re always striving to make every aspect of LifeLoop as robust and intuitive as possible, to empower senior living operators and executives to deliver a world-class experience for those they serve.  

By driving innovation in senior living operations, engagement, and analysis, we can continue to make a positive impact on older adults and the people who serve them.  

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