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Using Technology to Connect During Times of Isolation

What a head-spinning month we’ve all experienced, and will continue to experience, for the foreseeable future. Everything we thought was important a month ago has all been turned on its head. It sounds a bit trite, but we truly are all in this together. Not surprisingly, we are seeing the heroic efforts of staff at senior living communities all over the country as they step up to make life as normal as possible for the residents being served.

From iN2L’s standpoint, the power of engagement technology could not be more relevant. It’s a tricky line to walk during this stressful situation. But when you see the news clips of family members talking through windows to stay connected to their loved ones, it’s worth erring on the side of communicating the power of utilizing technology to keep elders connected—whether it’s iN2L or some other solution. It’s too important to let slide. The benefits of engagement hit me last week when David Hunter, a longtime friend and CEO of Mary Wade Home (a life plan community in Connecticut), reached out to tell me how powerful it was to be able to use iN2L to virtually say the mass for their Catholic residents that were isolated.

We all must be proactive and do whatever we can do over the next few months. At iN2L, we’re looking at creative ways to bring our technology as quickly and conveniently as possible to communities struggling to keep their residents connected. Stay tuned. In the meantime, here are some examples of how iN2L can be used to face the current realities. Some of these you can certainly do without our system, just think outside the (technology) box.

  • Skype, FaceTime, What’s App—these are no brainers for staying connected virtually.
  • Enable residents to “visit” locales all over the world, safely, with virtual travel apps.
  • Share pictures, emails and video clips from family members.
  • Take virtual tours of museums.
  • Participate in virtual worship services.
  • Create art, do crossword puzzles, and play trivia with grandkids during Skype or video chat sessions.
  • Bring in entertainment virtually when entertainers can’t be there in person—sing-a-longs, movies, fun videos and more are available on iN2L.

Whether or not you’re an iN2L customer, email us at for more details on any of these suggestions, and we’ll help you get going in your community with whatever technology you have access to. It’s a time for all of us to step up and help others take care of our beloved and vulnerable elder population.

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