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Comparing three activities strategies for effects on outcomes of residents with dementia | The University of Toledo

Rejuvenate Activities Program (RAP) & ROCK (It’s Never 2 Late (IN2L): Comparing Three Activities Strategies for Effects on Outcomes of Residents with Dementia

Murhty Gokula. University of Toledo (2013)
Funded by the American Medical Directors Association

Study Objectives

CMS reports that close to 40% of NH residents who had cognitive impairments and behavior problems, but no diagnosis of psychosis, received antipsychotic drugs. This high use exists even though the federal NH Law limits the use of antipsychotic drugs for this population. Facilities are encouraged to use non-pharmacological alternatives, even though limited research on alternatives exists.

Overview Findings

  • Reduction of antipsychotics

  • Four weeks — Brief Interview Mental Status (BMS) – 20% improvement

Resource-Comparing Three Activities Strategies for Effects on Outcomes of Residents with Dementia The University of Toledo-Device