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Evangelical Homes of Michigan: research on video content's impact on memory loss

Saline Area Schools, through its community outreach curriculum requirement for high school level students and through its STEAM Program (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Manufacturing), desired to engage with EHM and iN2L by utilizing its robotics and arts students enrolled in STEAM to help test the functionality of iN2L’s new hand held tablet for memory loss, called the FOCUS. iN2L and EHM embarked on a project with the students in order to create a real-life personalized video experience to use with their newly launched hand-held tablets over the course of four months during the summer and into the beginning of the students’ fall semester. The iN2L handheld device offers the same array of programs available through its large screen stationary product but also uniquely creates the opportunity for an individual to take their own “notebook” wherever they are and even into the home environment. The handheld device is wireless and can connect while on a front porch swing or even in the car during a short road trip. iN2L’s FOCUS, can go anywhere a mobile device can go. The iN2L mobile device provides brain fitness and memory “games” and, most importantly, personal photos and video contents to prompt reminiscence and memory therapy, elicit responses from a non-responsive dementia client, and even encourage simple conversation or nonverbal interactions such as laughter and smiles.

Evangelical Homes of Michigan Research