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LifeLoop acquires Linked Senior, advancing innovation for the senior living resident experience of tomorrow

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On-demand webinar

Flourishing Communities: The Watermark at Napa Valley

In this on-demand webinar featuring The Watermark at Napa Valley, our panelists share how they successfully implemented technology into their community, including leveraging newsletters, calendars, and communication tools to engage their members, reduce staff burden, and facilitate meaningful connections between members and their families. Watch now to learn strategies for implementing technology to help your community flourish! 

ROI highlights:

  • 75% increase in resident engagement since implementing LifeLoop

  • 75% of staff feel their overall job is easier, better, or more satisfying since implementing LifeLoop 

  • Grant Wegner, Executive Director, The Watermark at Napa Valley
  • Kendal Buffington, Community Life Director, The Watermark at Napa Valley
  • Paige Mantel, Chief Marketing Officer, LifeLoop
Recource Card - Watermark - on-demand webinar

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See how LifeLoop helps improve relationships between staff members, residents and their family members all while providing them with a seamless user experience.
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