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Case study

Promoting independence and self-worth for clients

Opportunities, Inc.
Organization name

Opportunities, Inc.

Care settings

Independent living

At a glance

Challenge: Provide programs that promote independence and self-worth for adults with developmental disabilities

Solution: Grant clients access to technology that promotes choice and independence

Results:  Engaging programs that enable clients to exercise independence and experience self-worth 

Outcomes with LifeLoop
  • Increased sense of self-worth 
  • Motivated clients inspired to write a newsletter through LifeLoop 
  • Increased interactivity within community 

The staff at Opportunities, Inc. is committed to providing programs that promote independence and self-worth for adults with developmental disabilities. 


LifeLoop has enabled clients of Opportunities, Inc. to act independently and take ownership over a portion of their day-to-day activities. This ownership can range from choosing to participate in planned activities to tracking their appointment schedule.      

LifeLoop is a good and useful tool to learn about what you’re going to do. The newsletter was fun to work on and is also useful to let people know what we’ve been doing in the Adult Continuing Education Center at Opportunities, Inc.


Client, Opportunities, Inc.


Through LifeLoop, clients at Opportunities, Inc. experience an increase in self-worth that stems from the ability to independently manage a portion of their lives. 

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LifeLoop's comprehensive software platform was thoughtfully designed to support residents and deliver a full range of enriching experiences, while also enabling the kind of efficiency that improves staff satisfaction.
LifeLoop is a good and useful tool to learn about what you’re going to do. The newsletter was fun to work on and is also useful to let people know what we’ve been doing in the Adult Continuing Education Center at Opportunities, Inc.
Corey Opportunities, Inc.