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Case study

Connecting residents to each other through diverse activities

The Forum Health Center at Rancho San Antonio
Organization name

The Forum at Rancho San Antonio

Care settings

Assisted living, memory care & skilled nursing

At a glance

Challenge: Drive stronger connections between residents

Solution: Engage residents with a variety of programs

Results:  Stronger connections made between residents and staff

Outcomes with LifeLoop
  • Improved engagement of residents 
  • Stronger connections made between residents and staff 
  • More diverse activities that drive resident interest 

The Forum Health Care Center strives to engage residents in a variety of activities that spark deeper conversations. Regardless of the cognitive and physical limitations of residents, the Forum staff works to provide opportunities for them to pursue their hobbies and connect with favorite pastimes or memories  


For more than eight years the Forum Health Care Center at Rancho San Antonio has utilized the engagement technology of iN2L to draw out residents’ interests and facilitate deeper, more meaningful connections between both residents and staff.     

We at Forum strive to conduct every activity with purpose, encouraging engagement and interest in a diverse range of activities. iN2L is a tool to aid in creating engaging, meaningful, and creative activities for residents. Having access to a variety of activities on a single platform has allowed the Forum activities staff to efficiently cater to residents both in a group and individual setting. The choices and accessibility of music, videos, and games have exceeded resident satisfaction. The iN2L platform also makes technology accessible to residents who may not be familiar with newer devices. Overall, using iN2L has increased the level of care and efficiency in our community.

Activity Manager

The Forum at Rancho San Antonio


iN2L engagement content has enabled the staff at Forum Health Care Center to deliver tailored engagement to their residents resulting in stronger, more personal connections across the community. 

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See how LifeLoop helps senior living communities flourish.

LifeLoop's comprehensive software platform was thoughtfully designed to support residents and deliver a full range of enriching experiences, while also enabling the kind of efficiency that improves staff satisfaction.
We strive to conduct every activity with purpose, encouraging engagement and interest in a diverse range of activities. iN2L aids in creating engaging, meaningful, and creative activities for residents. The choices and accessibility of music, videos, and games have exceeded resident satisfaction. Overall, using iN2L has increased the level of care and efficiency in our community.
Activity Manager The Forum Health Center at Rancho San Antonio